


zsh-abbr is available on Homebrew. Run

brew install olets/tap/zsh-abbr

and follow the post-install instructions logged to the terminal.


brew upgrade will upgrade you to the latest version, even if it's a major version change. Want to stay on this major version until you choose to upgrade to the next? Instead of the above command, run

brew install olets/tap/zsh-abbr@5

Linux package repositories

Community members have created packages in some Linux distros' package repositories. These include

There may be others out there. If you know of another, please make a pull request to this page!


You can install zsh-abbr with a zsh plugin manager. Each has their own way of doing things. Read your package manager's documentation or the zsh plugin manager plugin installation procedures gist; Fig users can install zsh-abbr from its page in the Fig plugin directory

After adding the plugin to the manager, it will be available in all new terminals. To use it in an already-open terminal, restart zsh in that terminal:

exec zsh


  • Either download the archive of the release of your choice from and expand it (ensures you have the latest official release)
  • or clone a single branch:
    git clone --single-branch --branch <branch> --depth 1
    Replace <branch> with a branch name. Good options are main (for the latest stable release), next (for the latest release, even if it isn't stable), or v5 (for releases in this major version).

Then add source path/to/zsh-abbr.zsh to your .zshrc (replace path/to/ with the real path), and restart zsh:

exec zsh